joi, 26 mai 2011

Cathy versus Basketball

hello everybody,
Yesterday I went to see Anca because I run out off elastics, so I received new ones Cathy Medium from 3M Unitek, which you will see how small are, and this is why I can only use Cathy for my right side, and for the front side I am still using Basketball from Lancer.

It doesn`t hurt at all, and i can`t wait for my next appointment on May 31.
I will post some new photos:) imagine that almost every single picture on my phone is with my teeth:)) i must be crazy :D
Until now i think the worst part about braces is kissing, I got used with eating, I can eat almost everything I want, except popcorn, also flossing takes soooo long, but what can I do?!?!
Anyway I still love my braces...and because "You need chaos in your soul to give birth to a dancing star" I will do all it takes to have straight teeth :))
Here are the updates

Until next time,

miercuri, 18 mai 2011

good news

I am happy. Yesterday I visited Anca, and my teeth are definitely moving, even if from the pictures i took you can`t see a big difference.
I have a new powerchain on my lowers, also a new spring on my uppers, my wires are still the same from the last app, and Anca also did me some stripping, especially after my upper canine to make some space.
The stripping procedure is a little bit annoying because the gum bleeds, but it doesn`t hurt. So now I have small spaces, and I hope in 1 month my back tooth (lateral incisor) will be moving in the row.
I can eat pretty much what I want, I can also chew gum I really love my braces. I have white ligatures, and hope not to stain as much as the clear ones, because I am a big coffee fan :D
My friend Oana I was telling you about, she has braces since 2010 December 1, and on June 1 the uppers are offfff, maybe I will post pictures with her, also.
And here are some pictures with my progress.
the right side

the left side

front view and also rubber bands to move my teeth a little bit to the right

I still have the rubber bands, the transverse one really bothers me, but i have it 24/7. Until next time....
Have a nice day all,

joi, 5 mai 2011

First days

I have always hated my teeth, more exactly just one (or so I thought), until being all braced.
And this way I had a problem with me smiling, all of my photos are with the mouth closed. When I was in 7th grade I had mobile braces, which I didn`t wear because I was embarrassed, and during this time I had several attempts to put braces on, but the costs were too big (not that now it`s cheaper, but my ortho being my friend allows me to pay in several months, which is a big help to me), and I always came up with a reason not to have them.
Next week I will be 30 and I have braces since March 1 uppers and March 29 lowers, meaning since 2 months, with due date January 2012.

My progress isn`t that big, or I am not seeing it. A friend of mine (because now we are 3 friends that have braces in the same time) had a huge correction in only 3 weeks, but she had 4 extractions, and my treatment plan doesn`t include teeth extraction, and maybe only stripping ( this is a procedure that shaves your teeth, to make room).
My adventure with braces began when I met my orthodontist, who is a close friend to a friend of mine, and after chatting with her about the opportunities, I immediately decided, no second thoughts and I have to say now, that braces are one of the best decisions I could ever make.
I am single right now, and I am a little bit worried about what my future boyfriend will have to say about my full braced mouth, but this is it….., I have to think about myself, right?!
During my treatment I will post pictures, that only my mum and Anca (my orthodontist) saw it, and you of course, so please don`t laugh :P
Anca said that my treatment plan will be only 10 to maximum 12 months, and I hope this is the case, after that I will wear a retainer on the back of my teeth, to hold my teeth in the best possible position.
I have ceramic uppers and lowers and both archwires are coated white (NiTi wire).
I had the first adjustment for the uppers on the May 3, when Anca changed my wire with a 16/22 ( I guess) rectangular one, and also on the lowers I have now a powerchain, and 2 rubber bands on my right side, to pull my lowers on the right.

Next episode one of these days, also with pictures.

Kisses and love, M